Colombo Kickerz Football Academy
Admission Form

Customer Complaint Form (#4)

Payment Options

Fee Structure

Admission Fee         Rs.10,000/-

Monthly Fee              Child #1                  Child # 2 (Sibling - 30% off)

Once a week              Rs.10,000                           Rs.7,000.00

Twice a week             Rs.15,000                           Rs.10,500.00         

Quarterly Fee

Once a week              Rs.22,500                           Rs.15,500.00

Twice a week             Rs.37,500                           Rs.26,000.00

Per Session Fee       Rs.3,000

Fees must be paid by the 1st Saturday of the month / Beginning of the Quarter.


1st Quarter: January – February – March

2nd Quarter: April - May – June

3rd Quarter: July – Aug - September

4th Quarter: October – November - December


For direct transfer / online payments:

Colombo Kickerz Football Academy (Pvt.) Ltd.

Commercial Bank (Reid Ave branch). Account No. 1580048290.

Pls. refer child’s name when making payment, and forward the deposit slip or copy to mobile number 077 7 749 559

Thank you.

Terms and Conditions

I do hereby enroll my/our child at the Colombo Kickerz Football Academy (CKFA) and do hereby agree to abide by the rules set out below.

  1. I understand and acknowledge that the sport of football (soccer) entails both known and unknown risks,and can and may result in possible injury despite all precautions being taken by CKFA and all its coaches, trainers and staff members. By placing my signature hereto, I assume all risk related to any and all activity, within and outside CKFA before, during or after ‘class’.

  2. I agree to release from responsibility CKFA including all coaches, trainers and staff members from any liability for any personal injury whether caused as a result of playing football or otherwise, including but not limited to: scrapes, bruises, cuts, sprains, fractures, broken bones, concussions or damage or loss to any personal property, that may occur on the premises, before, during or after ‘class’.

  3. I voluntarily agree to take full responsibility for the conduct and safety of my child before and after the said ‘class’ time duration, and I agree to release all coaches, trainers and staff members from any responsibility for the conduct and safety of my child before and after the said ‘class’ time, on or off the premises.

  4. My child agrees to abide by any safety-related instructions given by the coaches and administrators of the Colombo Kickerz Football Academy with respect to participation in the training and playing of the sport of football.

  5. I understand that payment in full is required for access to training classes, and I agree to make payment at the commencement of each month/term. Payment is required for every month of the year while my child is enrolled with Kickerz with the exemption of medical reasons for which a doctor’s note/proof will be required. If my child is absent and fees not paid, I understand that I must pay the rejoining fee to recommence training sessions.

  6. Students will be photographed and filmed periodically during practice for the Kickerz web page or social media etc. My signature on this form releases CKFA from all liability of use of this


Kickerz was founded in 2015 with the intention of providing a few friends with the opportunity to simply “kick the ball,” but has since grown into a full-fledged football academy for boys and girls who love the game.